My Music

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My blogroll keeps growing

Wow, its amazing that everyday I find new sites that I want to follow on a regular basis. As you can tell from my sidebar these sites don't really have a common link, but each have individual attributes that keep me reading. One of my favorite things to do currently is to go to the sites that I keep up on and see who is commenting there. If they say something interesting I will click on them and check them out. I like it much better than the "next blog" button because I have a little preview of what I am going to see. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the unpredictability of the "next blog" button is fun but other times you want something a little "safer".

Tonight I was lucky enough to come across a bright spot on the blogs and ended up spending an hour or two chatting with a new friend. I want to thank her for helping me to get out some of the anger and frustration I haven't been able to express. With the way things have been going the last few days, and not having anyone available to talk to (my best friend is currently in New Zealand and there is only so much my mom and dad can listen to my crying) I felt like I was going to explode today. As fate would have it there was someone to listen to me though (a total stranger! who woulda thunk it!), and I want to make sure she knows how much I appreciate it!

Ok enough of my blubbering for now. I am more focused and am ready to go to bed almost. I am going to post a few pictures first though.

1 comment:

Avery's mom said...

sometimes a strangers ears are the best ones for listening.
keep your chin up.