A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn.
This quote is representative of my weekend. I went down to Stockton for some time with my girlfriends, and to meet with a friend of a friend. This friend is a psychic and from what my girls have told me she is very accurate. I had met Bobi (the psychic) before briefly at a play so I know that regardless of anything else, she is a wonderful woman and has an extremely caring heart. With all the changes that I have been going through, I was needing some spiritual advice. As everyone has probably noticed I have been in exploration trying to make sense of the things happening in my life and I felt that I needed some help from someone who had an understanding of what it is like to walk in my shoes. But I digress, I'll get back to the point. I have been feeling very lonely and disconnected lately and it is an awful feeling. I would try anything to get rid of this feeling, and I am really glad that I had the opportunity to do this. There were four of us getting readings and I think at some point during the weekend we all later realized that though our circumstances may be different our concerns are much the same. This made for a very comfortable "support group" type setting. Cjristina's niece was so excited to be one of the girls, and I have never seen a more together little girl. She is amazing and sweet and I am so glad I got a chance to spend some time in her presence. Again, I digress. The reading actually went very well. I was nervous because there are certain things that I was afraid to hear and have been afraid to hear for a long time. Whether or not your beliefs are the same as mine (or if you believe me or not) I was blown away by the stuff that this woman who I had met 1 time before knew...these were things that I had not even told my friends. It was very reaffirming and gave me hope that the suggestions she made for things that I need to do to help myself get to where I am supposed to be in life would actually work. To paraphrase what I was just commenting on Wildflower's blog without hope we have nothing. I left the reading feeling energized and ready to party. Christina and I ended up at Bogeys and for the first time in a very long time I genuinely smiled and laughed (I had too much to drink but thats because I get nervous in big crowds). We got there late so the night was over much earlier than we wanted it to be. After closing out the tab and a tying up a few loose ends on issues that were ready to be let go we ended up back at Christie's house. We had to be up early for the psychic fair that we were going to. We ended up oversleeping and after having breakfast at IHOP we headed for the fair. I was driving, and I was pretty familiar with the area it was because an ex of mine used to live by this place. Before I knew it I was turning down to take some familiar "shortcuts" only to find that all of the roads had been blocked off and didn't go through anymore. I got lost in a new housing development and it took about 15 minutes to get back to the main road. I decided to try another way I knew and ended up hitting several detours and finally a "ROAD CLOSED" sign. This is when I felt the 2x4 hit me over the head (figuratively speaking of course). Bobi was just telling me that I had to let go of the past in order to heal the pain I am feeling. Mind you I had just been driving around this area Friday night (reminiscing over lost love) and NOTHING blocked my way then. I did have a very weird dream after that were I was pushing away the ex for a new guy which I thought was kind of weird. But this was just way too much of a coincidence for me. I had no idea why I was even trying to go these special routes, I was just on autopilot I guess. It is my feeling that the universe was interceeding to tell me that it is time to LET GO. This thought was reinforced by the fact that after a long day at the fair Christina and I got into the car and the radio blared the chorus to "Let me go" by 3 doors down. I just smiled at her and said "Enough already I get it!" While at the event we got to see a lot of free presentations learning more about holistic medicine/healing and enlightenment. I enjoyed it a great deal and even got a prayer to wear Henna tatoo. As I understand it the pattern I got was for good luck in relationships and I think it looks pretty cool, even if it doesn't work :-) I have posted a picture below to show y'all what it looks like. I want to thank some people for helping to cheer me up this weekend. Cjristina - My soul sister....I couldn't do any of this without you :-) Jea9 - Thank you so much for letting me vent and understanding (even if it had to be through common experience) Jenny - You are such a wonderful person. You and your family show me that that a happy family is still possible even with the challenges you are facing. Bobi - Thanks for the insight, for not letting me get away with it, and for the hugs. Liz - Your presence alone makes me feel at ease. I'm sorry that we didn't get to visit more. Shawn - Keep leading me by example. You make living life to the fullest look easy and I love you for it (hey we almost reunited the band!) Joe - Your gift of humour is very special. No one dares to be sad around you for fear that you will kill us with laughter :-) Tony - Thanks for the dick and fart jokes, they helped too :-) Justin - Thanks for the laughs and for looking out for all of us always. Steph - Thanks for the talk. Mike - Thanks for the drinks and for helping to break the circles :-) Rae - I hope we can get together soon for another little pow-wow, it was good to see you again :-)
I think that is everything.....OH! and I have been told that I need to listen to more positive music but as I am stuck in the sad groove I was hoping everyone could think of their favorite upbeat peppy song that can always make them happy no matter what else is going on. I will then compile these songs into a CD to me from you.

The design is said to promote good fortune in relationships (feet are apparently representative of romance). For more information visit: Ranu
My ex-husband would love the foot shot! Chris would heartily agree with the fact that feet are "apparently representative of romance."
Oh yeah, THANKS FOR THE THANK YOU!!! Anytime, anywhere you know I'll always be there....OK, ICK! I was not trying to rhyme.
"Walking on Sunshine," "Praying for Daylight," and "I Touch Myself" always perk me up.
The most uplifiting song ever..."Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin.
I've been looking for a psychic, but haven't been able to get referred to anyone who sounds "real." I'm looking for some hope as I feel totally lost right now & stuck.
But have a meeting with a holistic counselor tonight. Hopefully she can help.
Cjristie - I actually thought about what you had told me about Chris while I was taking the picture. It made me laugh thinking that he could randomly find me on the internet under feet. Is that another circle?
NYM - Good luck with your search. I wholeheartedly believe that there is such a thing as a real psychic, unfortunately too many people see it as a way to make a quick buck so there are a lot of fakes. The lady I spoke with is fabulous but she's in California....I don't know if she does phone or internet readings but let me know if you want me to find out. Hope your meeting goes well. Also, I hope your signs that are going to point you back to the right path are as clear as mine :-) Thanks for the song recommendation by the way
Oh yeah, I'd love to speak to her if she does phone readings.
My meeting with the holistic counselor was inspiring. I'm signing up for 6 months.
Isn't the song wonderful?
the henna is way cool.
i love to have it drawn on my hands.
have it tried it on your palms?
NYM - I'll find out for you.
Still Figuring - This is the first professional henna that I've had done. Hopefully next month we will be having another girlie get together and our friend DivaRae will bring her henna. I'll try it on my hands then
Joe - I agree, when I first met you I didn't think you were very funny ;-) I think that more than funny, your honesty resonates with our group because so many people in the world do not say what they think. When that happens we laugh because we were thinking the same thing and were too afraid or reserved to say it.....or its just FUNNY! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath on Friday and I haven't done that in over a year so just own your humour. Thanks for the songs...I actually can decipher which ones you are talking about :-)
I am also going to use the new Trick Pony song "All Jacked Up" on my upbeat music cd....this comment is just for me so that I don't forget about it :-P
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