Going through my boxes I found some pictures that have sent me on a trip down memory lane. Especially weird considering this was my horoscope:
Relatives or old friends, particularly senior ones, who come to visit you today, SHANDA, are likely to awaken childhood memories which you have long since forgotten. Some of them might come as a shock to you, but they'll all release hang-ups that you've been trying to expunge for a long time. You might feel as if you've just dropped a ton of weight - and you have. Psychological weight can be as heavy a burden as anything physical!
I thought I would post some pictures of my past "babies" and my current "baby" Enjoy!
And if you notice there you are hiding behind a chair. I remember how long it took to get those two to look at the camera
Being that I was "hiding" I think the point was not to notice that I was in the picture. I don't remember them ever getting along much after this picture...hmmm...
Nope I think that picture did in their friendship. But at least they both stayed just as cute.
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