My results:
41 - 80

You're a goddess in progress. Like Bridget, you've learned to love yourself even in your ups and downs. So you got drunk last night. Everyone has tough moments--but you're on your way to kicking those bad habits. Never forget you're part of a community that loves you. Read some self-help books and take a vacation.
You got drunk without me being designated driver?!?!?!? Huh! Fat lot that quiz knows....tee, hee. Glad to see you figured out the pop-up window thing.
LOL...I think it picked up the fact that I wanted to. I like that it affirmed my self help addiction :-)
i just read your profile ....
i'm a platelet donor and i give platelets every two weeks.
I guess I'm just a wannabe.
I 've chosen not to take anymore quizzes since I scored a 71 on a 'How stupid are you' Quiz
I just wont do it
Raven - It was really cool to read your profile too! I recently worked for a Blood Bank as well and was really bummed about having to leave but it has all turned out for the best. I still give blood though (PP cause of my blood type) as does my father. I drag my mom down every 8 weeks to give blood too because she is the universal blood type but she REALLY doesn't like it. As it turns out, my grandma will need a blood transfusion that she is getting on Friday so I feel even more connected to the need!
New York - At least your a convincing wannabee, or maybe I'm easily fooled (HUH!)
Robyn - Quizzes lie too! Don't let it get you down, we both know you rock!
we scored the same!
By the way do you get to pick which goddess you're "in progress" of being? Because I wouldn't pick Hera if I were you. She was a nut job!!! Not without provocation but still.....for a goddess she should have learned when to let go and move on....something you're doing a much better job of than any goddess.
Oh ok....I won't pick Herra. I am very rusty on my godesses (maybe a good project???) but I think I would choose Aphrodite just so I could feel what its like to be the goddess of love and be stunningly beautiful!
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