My Music

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I have a BLOG

I am not really advertising my blog so this will likely not reach many people. I received the following e-mail from one of my mailing lists and I saw an opportunity to post the following information which I wholeheartedly believe in. I am not in a position to help financially, and I wouldn't expect anybody out there who doesn't have the means to do so. If I were in a position I would certainly support this and other worthy causes to fight for what I believe to be a very destructive and deadly administration. We MUST be very careful when it comes to our personal liberties, and it is NOT OK to take away the liberties of one group of people to advance the cause of another, no matter who that may be. I certainly do not expect everyone to agree with me but as an American I expect to be able to express my beliefs.

April 2, 2005

Dear Signatory of the NION Statement:

As one of the over 13,000 people who have signed the new Not In Our Name Statement of Conscience you know the impact of how it exposes, condemns, and calls for massive resistance to the direction the Bush administration is moving society. This is a message that needs to reach millions. Since the January 20th inauguration, events have accelerated in a frightful direction. Sharp attacks have been launched on academia to drive out voices of opposition and diversity on campuses from the University of Colorado to Columbia University. Congress and the Bushes have taken extraordinary measures in the tragic Terri Schiavo situation -- trampling over her and her husband's expressed wishes, disparaging medical doctors, calling for the impeachment of judges, and generally pushing aside what have been the basic principles of law until now. The publication of the NION statement in Colorado and Florida will bring powerful voices of conscience, hope and a potential to link the kind of resistance that's needed to stop the direction things are headed towards.

Many people have written to us about the need to reach out to different audiences with this statement. Here is a chance to do just that and in places where the need to see this statement is great. We encourage you to contribute generously to make this happen and to post this message to friends, family, newsletters, bulletin boards -- wherever you can so that many more people will sign the statement, contribute and be part of the NION community.

Funds are urgently needed. Our aim is to accomplish this within the next week.

The plan is to publish the statement in the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News, the Columbia Spectator, the Miami Herald (in both English and Spanish editions) and the Orlando Sentinel on a Sunday (Sundays have the largest circulation in all the papers). It will cost $212,000.00 to make this happen.

With your help, we can do this.
Make your on-line contribution at:
For a postable PDF of the NION Statement:
Please write us at:

From Janet and the NION Staff

Here are a few of the many messages of appreciation we've received for the new Not In Our Name Statement:

Thank you for this opportunity to do something during this frightening time. (NY)


I was deeply moved by your full-page ad in the Sunday New York Times this past weekend. It expressed everything I want to say and never see in the media. I now have it pinned next to my desk for inspiration. I cannot fully convey my gratitude for this new Statement of Conscience, and it raises my spirits to see that so many of my favorite artists, minds and public figures are part of this important movement, for all of us here and around the whole world over. (Ohio)


I am an eighty six year old widow and on a good month, my income is $1,200. But, the fact that someone is standing up to what is being done to this country has to be supported.

I have disliked and mistrusted presidents before but never have I feared one. This man is dangerous and will destroy us. I wish I could be more generous and would be thrilled to have my name included with those published. (California)


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