As I have received several comments about my recent (unplanned) hiatus I decided that I would take the time to post an update. I have been doing very well and have been very busy of the last month or so.
I am very excited to report that I have met the most fantastic person I have ever known. She is beautiful, intelligent, witty, humorous, caring, socially conscious, and all in all a good person. I have gotten to know her a bit better as I have been spending almost every waking hour with her and am just amazed that I haven’t met her earlier. I am looking forward to getting to know her better and forming a bond that will last the rest of our lives.
Now that I have given my mom a heart attack, I can tell you that this fantastic person I have met is ME! (Don’t worry mom, I don’t have anything to tell you) I have never had great self esteem but I’m working on it, and I can honestly say that I’ve smiled more this year than I have in the past 4 years combined. I now understand that if I don’t like and respect myself I am just fooling myself if I think that anyone else will like or respect me. I think I have made a lot of big steps.
In other news I have been working full time (w/overtime) and carrying a full load of units at school. In February I turned in my application for the upcoming semester’s nursing program and this month I am applying for the respiratory therapy tech program. Hopefully I will get into one…I can’t wait to have the opportunity to work graveyard shift (who said the night time is for sleeping?) for an amount of money that will allow me to actually live.
We had a scare this week with Grandma so hopefully she will be feeling better soon. If you are so inclined take a moment or two to send a good thought into the universe for her. I’ll keep you informed as to her condition as we continue to get the news.
Other than that I have of course made time to tune into this season of American Idol.....I am disappointed to see that it looks more like a spin off of "Beauty and the Geek" this season though. What is up with the fact that all the girls seem to be judged on appearance and they give us 11 geeky guys and 1 "stud". I know this is a singing competition but there were a lot of women that they passed up that could sing but didn't have "the look" and it doesn't seem that they have the same standard for the guys? Oh well....just an observation. My early favorite for the season is Katharine McPhee....or as we found out on Tuesday Katharine "McFever".
Next week is spring break so I might have some extra time in the beginning of the week to blog but I have actually decided to take a couple days off work and go on a trip with my new friend mentioned above I am thinking that I am going to take off mid week and spend a couple days at the beach and visiting people in the bay area. Then on St Patty’s day weekend I’ll be in Stockton visiting with friends and seeing the amazing work that a couple of my friends are going to be doing on stage at Kiley’s dinner theatre.
Well I’m out of stuff to talk about (see y’all didn’t miss much)….again, I appreciate the concern that you guys have expressed in my absence. I love you all and look forward to catching up with you soon.
I left this on your myspace blog too - but good for you! Isn't it nice to feel good? :)
I met that same woman quite a while ago! Glad to finally see you realizing what you're worth!!!! See you this coming weekend.
Annie - Thanks....you are right it does feel nice.
Cjristina - small change of plans :-( I'll call you tomorrow....hope your feeling better. break a leg opening night!!!
Happy St. patricks day to you!
you got my mind concerned talking about this fantastic girlfriend of yours that you just met lol
i'm so happy to hear that you are doing wonderful. keeping our selfworth is such an important thing and I'm glad you are figuring out what falue you have to the world.
hope your applications for school go in your favor. I'm saying a prayer that your wishes and dreams are fufilled. you really deserve it.
seems like your in a good place good for you
AM - Hope your St Patty's day went well...mine was a bit traumatic as you can probably tell by reading my latest post. I figured that the best way to show that I am really on the path back to good health is to show that my sense of humour is returning....sorry I worried you. I assure you I haven't met any new girlfriends OR boyfriends but I'll let you know if I do ;-) I will keep you updated and thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers
Elmer - Hey! Its been a long time. I think I need your guy's new phone # cause I couldn't get ahold of you when I was in San Jose recently. I am in a very good place (despite some saddness and disappointments) and I think that it may be long lasting this time around. Hope all is well with you, Tammi & the babies...hope to talk to you guys soon
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