I love velvet drama
dancing on groove rock beat
we sweat to let go
c'mon bass time
And I also had a fun time playing with A nifty little site
I'm a race car driver (and a porn panda but thats beside the point)!
Enter at your own risk. As the blog address implies this site is more of a cheap form of therapy for me than anything else.
good to hear your thanksgiving was nice
can you believe we're already at the holiday season? I love it! its so much more exciteing this year because I have so much christmas spirit to show my daughter. just driving and singing the christmas songs to her is so much fun. hope you are enjoying the time too
Please come over to my BLOG and read today's post. It means the world to me.
AM - It is so weird to see your new name but still very cute! I absolutely can NOT believe that it is already the holidays. They come to fast these days!
LM - I commented.
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